The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comic books were created by Gilbert Shelton in the late 1960s. The series follows the adventures of three hippieFreak brothers, Phineas, Fat Freddy, and Dopey Dave. The comics are known for their countercultural and psychedelic humor, and are considered to be some of the most influential underground comix of all time.
The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comic books have been reprinted multiple times over the years, and they are now considered to be quite rare and valuable. The most valuable issues are the original underground comics from the late 1960s and early 1970s. One of the most valuable issues is the first issue, which is worth around $2,000 in mint condition. Other valuable issues include the third issue, which is worth around $1,000 in mint condition, and the fourth issue, which is worth around $600 in mint condition.
The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comic books are a must-have for any collector of underground comix, and they are also a great read for anyone who enjoys off-the-wall humor. If you’re lucky enough to find one of these rare comics in good condition, it could be worth a small fortune.
- 1 How many Freak Brothers comics are there?
- 2 How do I find the value of a comic book?
- 3 Will the Freak Brothers get a Season 2?
- 4 Will there be more Freak Brothers?
- 5 When did The Freak Brothers comic come out?
- 6 What year did The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers come out?
- 7 What are the most sought after comic books?
How many Freak Brothers comics are there?
There are a total of 33 Freak Brothers comics.
How do I find the value of a comic book?
There are a few ways that you can find the value of a comic book. You can try looking online, contacting a comic book dealer, or using a price guide.
One way to find the value of a comic book is to look it up online. There are a few different websites that you can use for this, such as,, or These websites have a database of comic books that you can search through, and they will give you the current market value for that book.
Another way to find the value of a comic book is to contact a comic book dealer. Some comic book dealers will give you a price for your book, and some will even offer to buy it from you.
The last way to find the value of a comic book is to use a price guide. There are a few different price guides that you can use, such as the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide, the Comic Book Price Guide Online, or the Comic Book Database. These price guides will give you a range of prices that a comic book has been selling for.
Will the Freak Brothers get a Season 2?
There has been no official word yet on whether or not the Freak Brothers will get a Season 2, but there is certainly enough interest in the show to make it a possibility.
The Freak Brothers is a Canadian animated series that follows the adventures of three brothers – Freak, Larry, and Moe. The show is a mix of comedy and action, and it has quickly become a fan favorite.
There is no doubt that the Freak Brothers have a lot of potential, and a second season could really help to capitalize on that. The first season ended on a major cliffhanger, and fans are eager to see what happens next.
If you’re a fan of the Freak Brothers, be sure to let your voice be heard. Let networks know that you want a Season 2, and help to spread the word online. The more people who show their support, the more likely it is that a second season will be announced.
Will there be more Freak Brothers?
There has been no confirmation yet, but there are rumors that there may be more Freak Brothers in the works.
The Freak Brothers, created by Gilbert Shelton, are a trio of stoner hippies who have become iconic characters in counterculture. The first Freak Brothers comic was published in 1968, and since then, they have been featured in several volumes, as well as a TV series.
The characters are based on Shelton’s own experiences with hippies in Austin, Texas, and he has said that he created them to “present the other side of the hippie coin – the guys who just wanted to sit on the couch and get high.”
The Freak Brothers have been praised for their subversive humor and their willingness to challenge authority. In a review of the TV series, The New York Times said that the show was “a slap in the face of the squares and a big hug for the freaks.”
There has been no confirmation yet, but there are rumors that there may be more Freak Brothers in the works. If this is true, it will be great news for fans of the series, who have been waiting for new material for decades.
When did The Freak Brothers comic come out?
The Freak Brothers comic first came out in the early 1970s. It was created by Gilbert Shelton, who was inspired by the hippie movement of the time. The Freak Brothers comic was very popular and has since been reprinted many times.
What year did The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers come out?
The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers was first published in the United States in 1970. The comic strip follows the lives of three hippie Freaks, who live together in a squalid apartment in San Francisco. The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers was created by Gilbert Shelton, and is considered one of the most influential underground comix of all time.
What are the most sought after comic books?
What are the most sought after comic books? This is a question that has been asked by comic book collectors for many years. There are a few factors that contribute to a comic book being highly sought after.
The first factor is the age of the comic book. Older comic books are more sought after than newer comic books. This is because the older comic books are more rare and they are also in high demand.
The second factor is the condition of the comic book. A comic book in good condition is more sought after than a comic book in poor condition. This is because a comic book in good condition is more rare and it is also more valuable.
The third factor is the rarity of the comic book. A comic book that is rare is more sought after than a comic book that is common. This is because a rare comic book is more valuable and it is also harder to find.
The fourth factor is the popularity of the comic book. A comic book that is popular is more sought after than a comic book that is not popular. This is because a popular comic book is more valuable and it is also easier to sell.
The fifth factor is the condition of the cover of the comic book. A comic book with a good cover is more sought after than a comic book with a bad cover. This is because a comic book with a good cover is more rare and it is also more valuable.
The sixth factor is the condition of the interior of the comic book. A comic book with good interior condition is more sought after than a comic book with poor interior condition. This is because a comic book with good interior condition is more rare and it is also more valuable.
The seventh factor is the age of the comic book artist. A comic book artist that is popular is more sought after than a comic book artist that is not popular. This is because a popular comic book artist is more valuable and it is also easier to sell.
The eighth factor is the popularity of the comic book character. A comic book character that is popular is more sought after than a comic book character that is not popular. This is because a popular comic book character is more valuable and it is also easier to sell.
The ninth factor is the type of comic book. A comic book that is a rare type is more sought after than a comic book that is not a rare type. This is because a rare type of comic book is more valuable and it is also harder to find.
The tenth factor is the publication date of the comic book. A comic book that is published in a popular year is more sought after than a comic book that is published in an unpopular year. This is because a comic book that is published in a popular year is more valuable and it is also easier to sell.
These are the ten factors that contribute to a comic book being highly sought after.