Action Comics Vol 1 is a comic book series that was first published in 1938. The series is set in the fictional city of Metropolis, and follows the adventures of Superman. The series has been in publication for over 80 years, and is one of the longest running comic book series in history.
The first issue of Action Comics was published in 1938, and was written by Jerry Siegel and illustrated by Joe Shuster. The series follows the adventures of Superman, a superhero who lives in the fictional city of Metropolis. Superman was the first superhero ever created, and Action Comics was the first comic book series to feature a superhero.
Over the years, Action Comics has been in publication for over 80 years, and is one of the longest running comic book series in history. The series has been written by a number of different authors, and has been illustrated by a number of different artists.
The series has been collected into a number of different volumes, and has been reprinted a number of times. The first volume of Action Comics was published in 1938, and the most recent volume was published in 2017.
Action Comics is one of the most popular comic book series in the world, and has been praised for its writing, art, and characterization. The series has been nominated for a number of different awards, and has won a number of different accolades.
What is the value of Action Comics Number 1?
What is the value of Action Comics Number 1?
Action Comics Number 1 is a comic book that was published in 1938. It is considered to be the first comic book to feature a superhero, Superman. The comic book is also considered to be very valuable, with a copy selling for $3.2 million in 2014.
There are a number of factors that contribute to the value of Action Comics Number 1. The comic book’s rarity is a major factor, as only 100 copies were originally printed. The condition of the comic book is also a major consideration, as a copy in good condition is more valuable than a copy in poor condition.
The value of Action Comics Number 1 has continued to increase in recent years. In 2012, a copy of the comic book sold for $2.16 million. In 2013, a copy sold for $2.5 million. And in 2014, a copy sold for $3.2 million.
How many copies of Action Comics 1 still exist?
There is no one definitive answer to the question of how many copies of Action Comics 1 still exist. The number of extant copies is estimated to be in the hundreds, but it’s possible that there are significantly more or less than that.
Action Comics 1 is the comic book that introduced Superman to the world. It was published in 1938, and the first printing had a print run of 200,000 copies. It’s not known how many copies of that printing still exist, but it’s likely that there are still a significant number of them in circulation.
In later printings, the number of copies printed was reduced. It’s not known exactly how many copies of those printings still exist, but it’s estimated that the number is in the low thousands.
So, in total, it’s estimated that there are somewhere between several hundred and several thousand copies of Action Comics 1 still in existence.
Is Action Comics still going?
Action Comics is an American comic book series that was first published in 1938. The series is notable for featuring the first appearance of Superman.
The current issue of Action Comics is issue #1004 and it is scheduled to be released on September 4, 2018.
The series is published by DC Comics.
Who published Action Comics 1?
Action Comics 1 is widely considered to be the first comic book ever published. The issue was released in 1938 and was written and illustrated by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.
Despite being published over 75 years ago, Action Comics 1 is still highly sought after by collectors. In fact, a copy of the issue sold for $1 million at a comic book auction in 2014.
So who published Action Comics 1?
Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were responsible for publishing the issue themselves. They financed the publication themselves and printed a limited run of only 100 copies.
Why is Action Comics 1 so expensive?
Action Comics 1 is one of the most valuable comics in the world. It was published in 1938 and is worth around $3 million. There are several reasons why it is so expensive.
The first reason is that it is the first appearance of Superman. Superman is one of the most popular comic book characters of all time and is known around the world. He first appeared in Action Comics 1 and has since been in dozens of movies and TV shows.
Another reason it is so expensive is because it is a rare issue. Only 200,000 copies were printed, and most of them have been destroyed or lost over the years. So, there are very few copies of Action Comics 1 left in the world.
Lastly, the artwork in the issue is very impressive. The cover was drawn by Joe Shuster, who was one of the co-creators of Superman. The interior pages were drawn by Jerry Siegel, who was the other co-creator of Superman. So, the issue has a lot of historical value as well as monetary value.
Action Comics 1 is a highly sought-after comic book, and it is not surprising that it is worth so much money. It is a rare issue with amazing artwork and historical significance. If you are lucky enough to find a copy of Action Comics 1 for sale, be prepared to pay a high price.
Are Action Comics worth money?
Are Action Comics worth money?
This is a question that often comes up when it comes to comics. In general, older comics tend to be worth more money than newer comics. This is because they often become more rare as they get older. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule, and Action Comics is one of them.
Action Comics is a comic book that was first published in 1938. It is the first comic book to feature the superhero Superman. Because of its historical significance, Action Comics is often worth more money than other comics.
However, the value of Action Comics varies depending on the condition of the comic book. A copy in excellent condition can be worth thousands of dollars, while a copy in poor condition may only be worth a few dollars.
So, are Action Comics worth money?
Yes, they are, but the value of a copy depends on its condition.
What is the highest grade Action Comics 1?
Action Comics 1 is a comic book that was first published in 1938. It is widely considered to be the first comic book ever published, and is also notable for featuring the debut of Superman.
The highest grade that Action Comics 1 has ever been graded is a 9.0, which was awarded to a copy that was sold at auction in 2011. This copy is now part of the collection of the actor Nicolas Cage.